Thursday, February 28, 2019

London Knights

Since there's a beehive of reactionary fan behavior re Virtue and Moir, I did some belated googling and found this recentish article.

I believe there's something in there about yet another recent mood crisis Tessa had that impacted their relationship (we were due, it's been over 10 years since her shins severed all communication between them although it did nothing of the kind).

The piece also relates how the Humboldt Broncos junior ice hockey team tragedy impacted Tessa, causing her to harken back to her "first boyfriend", a one-time star of the London Knights.*


This is a blog entry from 2013, observing that the London Free Press's Ryan Pyette was obsessively and seemingly randomly working in mentions of the "London Knights" in his recent coverage of Tessa Virtue, with a particular emphasis that it was Tessa who was friends with the team.

Back then, this blog said this:

Of course anything Scott says is overshadowed by Ryan Pyette continually mentioning the freaking 2005 London Knights in all his recent articles, specifying how Tessa befriended them back then (har de har Ryan - she befriended the entire freaking team at age 16?) while Scott merely rooted for them (what did Scott do - judge the contest among them for the guy who got to nail Tessa?). That's a joke set up right there, but we all know it's a sham boyfriend dealie here so please already. Just make your real point. The way he's shoveling that into his articles apropos of nothing looks incoherent.

This is like when Scott and Tessa tried to set up a Paris bait and switch with Jessica Dube but were called out and it never happened. It was one of their most petty gambits and one of their most mean-spirited. They skyped and gave quotes about this lovely Paris walkabout they were planning, visiting all the Funny Face spots, taking pictures, priming the pump. Then - bubkus.. Because sting was foiled in advance, of course they couldn't share pics of themselves. They put the Jessica pictures in the bank and dropped them over a year later. Waste not, want not.

This time it took six fucking years but you know - winning is everything.


  1. I am super excited about our new junior world champion ice dancers Marjery Lajoie and Zachary Lagha. I've just watched both programs and am soooo impressed with their poise, musicality and commitment to the program. Reminds me of Virtue and Moir circa 2007.
