Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Comments section

I removed one multiple comments from the comments section of one of the previous three posts.More would have been put into spam if I'd participated in those comments sections, but I didn't, and it's water under the bridge.

Very sorry Virtue and Moir decided to stir the shit to this extent (Andrew Poje, at this late date, really?, and is Scott's ex-partner married? Well done.) with the most attention-grubbing gambits they could conceive, as if they don't already get more than enough attention with the same act they've been pushing since 2009.  Clearly they missed the negative attention and set out to prompt predictable hysterics in the limited community of reactionary online fans.

They enjoy bringing out the worst in people*, instead of the best, and they enjoy punching down.

People who double down in my experience are arrogant, afraid, or control freaks. Maybe Scott and Tessa are triple threats. Tessa and Scott are extraordinarily courageous athletes and competitors, but they have the talent to match. In an area where they can't control the outcome and may feel less sure footed (and by outcome, here I'll use "Skating performance" and not results), they recoil, become juvenile, and act out. Not a good look, but hey, everybody else is doing it. They have a lot of bad company.

P.S. I'm kind of WTF that anything they do this many years on can produce this kind of freak out, but all fans are alike and the new ones are the same as the old. This is how shipper fans of TV characters act, of anime characters act, of historical figures act.

*Wait. Are fans people?


  1. Seriously? Garbage ... Nothing but gossip and slander. Who freaking care except for those super uber (deranged) fans. Always want the HEA but reality is never quite so. Hence the freak out and vent session on the internet. Lady Gaga was right "Social Media is the toilet of internet" ... Unless, you're actually in the real V/M cirle, Just give it rest already. Seriously ...

  2. VM are having a HEA, and the problem is not fans. The problem is VM exploiting them, lying their heads off while getting points for sincerity.
