Saturday, February 29, 2020

At least Tessa Now Has a Plus One to Her Husband's Wedding

The lucky guy is the on on the right.
Always of note that when Scott has a fauxmance, we must prove it with smiley huggy, kissy smoochy vacationy social media drops suggesting privacy and alone time. When Tessa has a fauxmance, her entire family of origin (as opposed to her family with Scott) is her bodyguard or there's a visible wingman/wingwoman/wingpeople as above, or it's a public event. Has Tessa ever held hands with a fauxbeau for our viewing edification? Tentpoled her way across the gap between their torsos to gingerly touch lips? Done a social media dump so we can see the evidence?

Why the double standard. Tessa needs to step up.


  1. Tessa looks gorgeous. Who is that man? He does not seem to want to touch her back with his hand. I don't understand the benefit of covering up the fact if you have a family.

  2. This guy look like very young and a bad version of Niall Horan

  3. you need help seriously!

  4. They may have been married, but in the last year we've certainly witnessed their divorce.
